• ministerdod

    THe people posting these pictures and spreading these lies need to be fined or jailed

    October 30, 2012
  • Kenny

    @Josh — I don’t get it. If the image is stolen, how am I seeing it right here????

    @miniterdod — fined or jailed? Really? That seems a bit of a harsh reaction.

    I thought this time around the exposing-the-hoax photos came pretty much on the heels of the hoaxes themselves. People want to know they’ve been hoaxed more than they want to believe the hoax.

    October 30, 2012
  • @Kenny, In order to get this post out fast enough yesterday, I had to skim a bit on the research. I have since tracked down the original (and verified) and was able to provide credit to the original photographer. Sorry it took so long.

    October 30, 2012
  • Kenny

    @Josh, It wasn’t even that I was nitpicking on, but props on updating with the info.

    I was more pointing out the terminology “stolen”. Technically it’s “infringing”, no? :)

    October 30, 2012
  • Well, it’s only technically “infringing” if you can track down the original, find how it was licensed and verify that it is being used in a manner contrary to law. Of course, “stolen” has the same issues. :)

    I probably should have said “Then it lists a bunch of sites that are using this image without credit.”, but what’s done it done.

    October 30, 2012

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