This presentation is derived from my Malware and Organized Crime presentation and adapted for a more generalized audience and a much shorter time frame. It opens with an Iowa-specific overview and introduces Infragard and it’s purpose. It then goes into a rapid overview of criminal economics and an overview of recent targets.
The presentation itself is available as 2011-MalwareAndIDTheft. To view it properly, you will need Open Office or Libre Office. It can be opened in the latest version of PowerPoint, but animations and layout may be less than ideal.
My presentations are increasingly visual, so for a more complete view of the information conveyed, please see the “notes” section. Also, please note that my photographs are licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND, so you may only use them non-commercially and only if you provide credit to me and leave them unaltered. If you wish to use them commercially, please contact me.