In 2010, I adapted my previous malware presentation with a focus on the criminal economics and more-directly targeting the presentation towards the danger of malware to business and financial services. This presentation used the board game Risk as a theme, and at the end of the presentation, two board games were given away.
The Risk photos were taken by me, the graphics were created in Inkscape and some images were taken from public sources.
Unlike previous presentations, this one uses specific examples from public news sources to drive the point home.
The presentation itself is available as 2010-OrganizedMalware. To view it properly, you will need Open Office or Libre Office. It can be opened in the latest version of PowerPoint, but animations and layout may be less than ideal.
My presentations are increasingly visual, so for a more complete view of the information conveyed, please see the “notes” section.
Also, please note that my photographs are licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND, so you may only use them non-commercially and only if you provide credit to me and leave them unaltered. If you wish to use them commercially, please contact me.